Skookum Kids exists to mobilize communities to create a healthy foster care system.
The landing
Entering foster care can be incredibly scary and confusing. We provide a soft landing for children when they enter foster care at our emergency shelter in Bellingham. This house solves what we call “The 72 Hour Problem” by providing a place for children to stabilize and buying time for social workers.
We pride ourselves on our ability to help biological families reunify. We facilitate visits between kids and their biological families to keep family connections alive and support reunification. In any given year we facilitate hundreds of visits between a child and their biological family.
We also host an annual family camp for reunified families as well as monthly respite for families, called Family Night Out.
Foster Parents
The people with the most opportunity to create a positive impact for children in foster care are the adults that care for them on a daily basis. Foster parenting is important and challenging. So we make sure foster parents are as prepared as possible, well supported, and backed by our attentive team of Foster Care Specialists.
Skookum Family Partnership
We can keep kids safe at home. Foster care is removing children from a dangerous situation and placing them somewhere safe temporarily. It is painful for everyone, but sometimes necessary. More often, a little proactive support and common sense problem solving allows us to catch problems earlier (before children are in danger), support families, and cheer on parents as they become the kinds of moms and dads they aspire to be.

Counties served
Kids and families are facing big problems in every community across the state of Washington. We are creating local solutions that address these problems with the help of people just like you!
Years Serving kids and families
Skookum Kids has a proven track record of relieving pain points in foster care. We learn and grow with every community member and organization that we partner with.
Reunified children
87% of children who come through Skookum Kids eventually reunify with their family of origin (birth parents or relatives).
A way for anyone to participate in foster care
The world is full of people who want to help but don't know how, so we crafted a suite of volunteer opportunities so that everyone can participate in this important work.
These opportunities include helping out with one-time events, working a few hours a month at The Landing (our emergency housing for foster kids), mentorship, and getting licensed as a foster parent.
“Every kid is one caring adult away from being a success story.”
— Josh Shipp