Support from the Peter H. Paulsen Fund

This week Skookum received $50,000 of unrestricted financial support from the Peter H Paulsen Fund, a fund based in Arizona but with strong ties in Bellingham.


Peter Paulsen is probably best known around town as the designer, builder, and original owner of that gem on our waterfront, The Hotel Bellwether. And while Peter may spend more time in a warmer climate these days, his heart for Bellingham, a community that he called home for many years, is clear.

Roughly two-thirds of the financial support for Skookum Kids still comes from small donations—individuals, churches, business, and service clubs who generally make contributions of $100 or less, but do so with great faithfulness. Larger donations like this are a delightful surprise, and when made at Skookum, go a long way to helping children & families.

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