Sabbatical Announcement

A note from Board Chair, Randy Pries.


People are the most valuable resource of any organization.

The Skookum board discusses regularly the fact that healthy people make for healthy organizations. For those involved in extending practical care and compassion to others, the work can be very fulfilling, but also be challenging, and draining at times. We can easily ignore healthy practices.

A few years ago, the Skookum Kids Board established a Sabbatical policy for our Executive Director. Part of the policy reads: “Intended to provide a regularly scheduled time of extended rest, refreshment, and inspiration for the Executive Director at Skookum Kids, sabbaticals are to be taken every 7 years.”

We are happy to announce that our Executive Director, Ray Deck III, is eligible this year and will be taking his sabbatical late spring/early summer of this year. And as the policy reads, Ray has planned a sabbatical that includes a rare extended disconnection from the work to be with his family, so that he can experience a time of rest, refreshment, and renewal.

Thank you for helping make this possible, not just for Ray and his family, but your consistent generosity allows us the freedom to lead the entire Skookum organization into healthy excellence.

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