Why Pledges Mean so Much to Us


Would you rather have $1,000 today or $100 /month?

That's what a supporter asked me over coffee on the first day The Landing was open. We had been preparing for almost a year, and the day had finally come. It was the middle of July, but we were so excited it might as well have been Christmas morning. I don't think I slept at all the night before. After all that work, we were going to be able to help kids as they entered foster care. FINALLY!

Laurie shared the story of those early days and all the work that went into getting The Landing ready at Eat, Drink & Be Giving this year.


I did have five fundraising appointments that morning before The Landing officially opened at noon. That has always been an important part of my role at Skookum—connecting the resources to the work. This is a beautiful town full of generous people who, upon hearing the need to care for children and families, have opened their hearts and their wallets. And that morning was no exception. These weren't just donors, Skookum doesn't really have any of those, these were partners, as emotionally invested in the work as I was. Four of the five brought a check to our meeting (always my favorite). But the fifth asked me that unexpected question: "Would you rather have $1,000 today or $100 /month?"

She could sense my hesitancy, and so gave me some advice that has shaped this organization ever since. She pointed out that a pledge of support was at its core a promise to care, a commitment to ride the wave with the kids and families who were enduring an unthinkable experience, to show up for them every month in faithful compassion. It's the same promise that volunteers and foster families make: to show up and to keep showing up for kids.


So together we decided that a pledge of support would be more in keeping with the spirit of Skookum Kids. This is, after all, a community of people who show up for kids. And she has kept that pledge, by the way, giving faithfully every month for eight years and counting.

This community is still growing

And we're not done yet! This community is still growing. There are still more kids in need of a safe transition into foster care and more parents who need support as they walk the lonely road of recovery. Families across our community are preparing to welcome children into their hearts & homes. And you. Will you make a promise to care alongside them? Will you give what you can, each month, with faithful generosity?

You can make a pledge of support right now at skookumkids.org/give. Thank you in advance for making this community a safer place to be a kid.

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